Sunday 28 October 2018

Autumn Wordsearch

Here's a seasonal wordsearch for you. Themed puzzles are a particular favourite of mine so let me know if you have any subjects you'd like covered. I can do personalised ones too with family names, places and interests...

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Codeword 3

And here's a large Codeword where each letter is represented by a number from 1-26

Elevenses 1 & 2

Time for elevenses? Here are two new mini puzzles - straightforward clues and solutions, no complicated words. Just right for a coffee break!

Friday 19 October 2018

Thursday 18 October 2018

Tricky Quick 3

Another 15 x 15 Tricky Quick crossword for you... If you want a PDF to print click on the link the first link and then on PDF on the bottom right by the clues

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Codewords 1 and 2

Clues too much bother? Here are a couple of Codeword puzzles where each letter of the alphabet is substituted for a number from 1 - 26. Enjoy!

Easy Cryptic 2

And here's another Easy Cryptic. Let me know if you spot any mistakes. They do happen from time to time and I'd rather know than not know I've missed one!

Easy Cryptic 1

OK...and here's one of my 'Easy Cryptic' crosswords. Compared to the ones you find in the national dailies it's easy but if you're new to cryptic clues it will be quite puzzling enough! There is a reveal button if you want to see a letter or two and if you can't work out how the answer came from the clue feel free to ask in the comments below and I'll do my best to explain...

Tricky Quick 2

Another 15 x 15 Tricky Quick puzzle for you! Usual rules apply...

Tricky Quick 1

And now for something completely different! Well not completely's still about trying to create and spread a little joy in the world but now it's through puzzles. I enjoy creating them and hopefully you will enjoy solving them too. One day it may become a proper all in one place website but for now it will be just links to click on which will take you to an interactive grid to solve on a mobile or laptop and/or a PDF to print out.

Here's the first one. It's a 'tricky quick' crossword where the clues are straight definitions but the product of a slightly twisted mind